2022 Full moon 🌝 sound baths are here!

Join Simeon for a full moon sound bath sessions . Hosted at the beautifully restored Agnes Pelton home in Cathedral City. Enjoy a crystal singing bowl chakra  meditation by moonlight. 🌕 Sound therapy has been practiced since ancient times. The concept is based in Quantum Mechanics on the idea that every thing in the universe is energy, There is a finite amount of energy in the Universe and it is manifested either as gas, liquid, or in solid states. In regard to the Chakra system, Sound therapy works by sending sound waves throughout your body, which brings harmony through oscillation and resonance by balancing Chakra imbalances. This helps restore your body’s balance. Singing bowls are often utilized in the course of sound therapy. Various alternative health practitioners believe that the use of these bowls as well as other energy healing modalities can have a significant beneficial effect on the healing of your mind and body, especially when combined with positive affirmations in the form of mantras, meditations, and incantations.

January 17th: Wolf Moon, 7:30PM - 8:30 PM

February 16th: Snow Moon, 7:30PM - 8:30 PM

March 18th: Worm Moon, 7:30PM - 8:30 PM

April 16th: Pink Moon, 7:30PM - 8:30 PM

May 16th: Flower Moon, 7:30PM - 8:30 PM

June 14th: Strawberry Moon, 7:30PM - 8:30 PM

July 13th: Buck Moon, 7:30PM - 8:30 PM

August 11th: Sturgeon Moon, 7:30PM - 8:30 PM

September 10th: Harvest Moon, 7:30PM - 8:30 PM


Simeon Den/ Sound Energy Meditations


Full Moon and Fridays - Crystal Bowl Sound Baths!