In Loving Memory
“My highest dream, that we can find Beauty in all people & all things. My mission is to continue this momentum to elevate myself and share as an artist and educator.”
In his storied life, Simeon Den is well aware that in every incarnation of his professional life he was prepared by the events that preceded it.
At 17 he left Hawaii to attend college in Massachusetts to study fine art, which led to a full scholarship at the Alvin Ailey School in New York, a concert dance career and at 25, his first of four Broadway shows. He returned to Hawaii in 1983 when diagnosed with HIV and a presumed death sentence. It was at that turning point where he began to fulfill his purpose as an artist and educator -- for 17 years he owned and directed Danceworks Honolulu, a school, dance company, and production company, where he taught dance, choreographed and performed in shows with an intention rather to instill community building and through the guise of dance arts teaching children self-discipline, responsibility, commitment and to be fearless.
When the AIDS retrovirals became available in 1995, and Den realized that he had a future, he moved to Los Angeles and reinvented himself as fine art and commercial photographer. In 2000 he met his future husband,Peter Palladino, a noted fine art photographer. In 2005 he wrote “8 Meditations on Urban Life” and in 2010 they moved to Cathedral City, CA after buying the historic Agnes Pelton house and started the Agnes Pelton Society, an arts non-profit whose mission is to sustain the legacy of the posthumously celebrated Modernist painter. He subsequently opened the Simeon Den Gallery/ Fine and Temple Arts and began to teach yoga, devise and codify Ch’i Yoga™ and conduct meditation sessions at the Pelton House.